1. How to use the shapes
1.1 Down the Line
1.1.1 Swing plane
Step 1.
Start with a line drawn from the ball to the middle of your shoulder. It may easier to draw the line parallel to this angle then move it in place.

Step 2.
Use the frame advance button until your arm is parallel with the ground. Draw another line along the shaft. The shaft should be parallel to the existing plane line.

Step 3.
Use the frame advance button again until you are close to impact. If the shaft is between the two lines drawn then you are “on plane”.

1.1.2 Hand position at impact
Step 1.
Draw a vertical line outside the hand position at set up.

Step 2.
Use the frame advance button until impact, your hand position at impact should be the same as it was at setup.

1.1.3 Spine angle
Step 1.
Draw a line through the middle of your back at setup.

Step 2.
Use the frame advance button until you are at the top of your backswing, the line should still be through the middle of your back.

Step 3.
Use the frame advance button again to just past impact, the line should be through the middle of your back.

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